
Female Talent For Tech – Silicon Valley Special


Practical insights and networking around digitalization & technology

Are you an aspiring female lawyer looking to learn more about the personal and work-related experiences of women in the tech industry and their career paths, as well as gain insights into founder-led businesses and their challenges?

At our digital event “Female Talent for Tech – Silicon Valley Special” you will get important, first-hand insights into current trends and challenges in the tech sector and learn more about digital age role models.

Join us for a look behind the scenes and learn more about the legal frameworks across jurisdictions that impact the tech industry and experience how a global network of tech savvy lawyers can make the crucial difference. In open discussions with our female lawyers and experts from wellknown global companies you will gain valuable impressions and benefit from practical insights.

Networking at its best and on an international scale! The event is aimed at outstanding female students, trainee lawyers, doctoral candidates in law and young professionals in our Continental Europe regions.

Please send your application (CV and references) to Anna.Beierl@freshfields.com by 28 March 2021.

Anna is also available to answer your questions by phone on +49 172 6631 430.

Please note that the workshop will be held online and the number of participants is limited. Specific previous knowledge in the field of digitalization & technology is not necessary.



4:00 pm



Anna Beierl
Senior HR Consultant
Bockenheimer Anlage 44
60322 Frankfurt am Main
+49 172 6631 430