
Female Talent for Tech – Automotive edition

Join us on 4th of May 2023 (6 PM – 8 PM CET), for our Automotive Edition, Female Talent for Tech recruiting and networking event. This event is an opportunity to learn more about the success stories and the personal and professional experiences of successful women working in tech. We welcome applications from students and graduates from the US, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, the UK and France.

Our keynote speaker is Dr. Uta Klawitter, General Counsel at Audi AG since 2019. Uta is a strategic leader who possesses deep global experience in the automotive industry. In her work she is addressing interesting and current questions e.g. regarding autonomous driving. Our panel discussion will include Claire Rauh McDonough (Chief Financial Officer at Rivian) and Fatima Hussein (ex-Tesla, ex-Audi, currently Senior Legal Counsel at Trade Republic).”

In this session you will learn about the legal frameworks that impact the tech and automotive industry and experience how a global network of tech savy women can make a difference. In open discussions with women from the automotive and tech industry and Freshfields colleagues working on tech matters you will gain valuable impressions and benefit from practical insights.

The application will be on a rolling basis. Please note that this is a virtual event, and the number of participants is limited. Specific previous knowledge in the field of digitalization & technology is not necessary.

This event is only open for individuals who are 18+years old.

Key Note Speaker Name(s):
Dr. Uta Klawitter (General Counsel, AUDI AG)

Target Group:
Female high potentials who are studying or have recently graduated in law (students, PhD students, research assistants)

Application Deadline:
30th of April 2023


6:00 pm



Victoria Pfrommer
HR Executive
+49 69 27 30 86 78